Father God rolled the scroll shut, stretched, and yawned. “Well,” He said, “I think we have spoken enough of our best ideas for all the trees into existence.”

“Wait, Father!” cried the Son. “I have one more idea! And it’s a great one! Can’t we make just one more?”

“Son, we’ve already created 60,000 different types of trees! I think that will be plenty for the humans to enjoy. We have fruit trees, trees for wood, shade trees, nut trees, and so many more. Besides, we’ve been creating for three days now and I think Holy Spirit is needing a short break before we move on to creating the sun, moon, and stars tomorrow.”

They both glanced at the Holy Spirit, whose soft breathing could be heard as He was dozing off.

“But Father, the children will love this one! Because the leaves will be shaped like stars, and every autumn they will turn from green to gold. When they fall on the ground, it will be as if it’s covered with golden stars. When they rake them up, they can dive into a whole pile of stars! What child doesn’t want to bring the stars to Earth so they can see them up close?”

Father God sighed, and smiled fondly at His Son. Always so enthusiastic, and so full of love, especially for all the children who would live on the Earth in the future.

“Alright Son. Just one more. That will make 60,001.”

“Thanks Dad! OK, here goes”

“A tree with leaves shaped like stars that will turn gold in the fall and will bring delight to every child who gets to see it!” laughed the Son. His words created and planted the Tree With the Golden Stars on the Earth.

Many years later, Father God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were in Heaven laughing together while they watched groups of children on the Earth raking leaves and running to jump into them. “Look!” one of them shouted, holding up a leaf. “This one’s shaped just like a star!” The rest of the children gathered around him and looked at it. “They’re everywhere!” gasped another one, looking at all the ones that were on the ground. “It’s almost like we’re up in space with all the stars and the moon and the planets!”

Father God smiled at the Son. “You were right, Son. It really was a good idea!” The Holy Spirit hovered nearer to both of them, and together They all shared the joy that had been added to Earth by the Son’s creation of the Tree With the Golden Stars.
